The best ways to build links to our blogs or websites to increase website traffic:
1)Blog Contest:One of the easiest way to promote our blog.We have to announce the contest that we are hosting,the rules and the prizes.
Benefits of blog contests:
many backlings from other blogs join our contests,many trackbacks,comments,buzz,lots of new rss subscribers,new viewers.
2) is the largest social networking increase traffic if we have a good story,cool new web2.0 website,social network news etc we can email them.For link building we have to register a free profile,and rss feeds and make 5 commands per day.
Benefits of Mashable:
-We will get a lot of traffic.It has a lot of site that copy their rss if we get featured ,we will have hundreds of anchor text links as well as all of that traffic.It has a PR7 blog,so if we link to any post on Mashable ,we will get a PR7 trackback from the homepage temporarily.Mashable comments give a link back toour website as well as our profile,so wiht a few comments our website can indexed very quickly and our profile rank can get PR4-6
3) is a search engine for high PR blogs without nofollow tags
4)Bloggingzoom:It is a new digg like website that is dedicated only to bloggers to help them increase website traffic.If our Posts zoomed, then we will get a good traffic
5) is a good designed and developed social news aggregator that displays news related to our intrests and the topics are voted by the community. We have to start a profile and post good stories to get good traffic
6)Linux counter:This is a linux site where they are tracking how many people are using linux,where they are from,and few other statistics.If we want to build hundreds of links we can submitt ourself to every country(205 countries at movement).All of the aged pages are PR2-4,so if we spend some time submitting our site to the entire list,we can expect a great PR updates for minimal work when gogle starts their updates.If we are going to use this technique,we can do a few per day on a set schedule so that google does not penalize your site for building tons of links one day.
7)SocialMarker promotes rapid link building:It is a website that is basically a browser for submitting links to over 25 different social news and social bookmark websites.If we want to promote a blog post,website,or featured news article we can use socialmarker.we have to enter in some tags,a description,and a tittle.SocialMarker then bring us 30 websites that all allow us to post our link.These 30 websites are all aged and have good PR,so it is a great place to get anchor backlinks from.most of the 30 websites are crawled by the search engines extensively,so we can expect 30 quickly crawled backlinks to get our site indexed very quickly as well.
8)Link Building With Drupal:Drupal is a massively popular open source framework for websites.It is a community focused system,so their sites allow users to register.So we can create a profile.No verification is there,so we may put our own blog inside.Inside our profile we are allowed to link to our homepage.we can get our own page and a link to our blog will be dofollow(good for search engines)
Inside our profile we can enter in as many intrests as we want.Every single interest we type in has a seperate “tag” page.If we were to enter a large amount of keywords (20 or 30 is more than enough),we will have built 20-30 small links as well as a stronger link from our profile.All of these links will also increase the PR of your Profile Page,which brings more authority to our domain.If we are looking at a short term goal ,we will have a few old profile having PR-6 and has a page rank of 9.
9)Link Building With Listible:It is a super simple website that displays lists about nearly everything.if we have a list about blog posts that are related to seo,we can make a list for it.there are no rules for what kind of lists we can build.We can add “resources” to every list,which include a search engine friendly link to our website.Since listible is completely text,the search engines absolutely love it.Some pages are PR4-7 and we can put our link on all of them.Otherwise we can make uor own lists.
-It is getting a lot of porn spammers on it so do not expect this gravy train to stay.
10)Link Building With Grazr:Grazr is a web2.0 service that allow us to create to widgets to “monitor online sources and share the results”.Grazr is a PR6 authority site ,and we can easily get a few pages on the site that link to every new post we make.
Steps to getting our own power links:
-Register on Grazr,com
-Visit the big “create ” button.
-Hit the “data” button and enter our rss feed url.
-Go to “info” and make a tittle and hit save.
-go to “share” at the top.It should have a page with some links in it.
-If we see the links,we now have three seperate pages that links to our rss feed.
11)Link Building With Squidoo:Squidoo is a huge community powered site that allows users to write about topics they are “experts” in.In return for writing these articles,squidoo shares half of the advertising revenue with us and gives us anchor text backlinks inside our articles.
12)Link Building With Unasked:Unasked is a service like Yahoo Answers.User of the site ask a question,and the other user of the site do their best to answer them.The more correct answers we give,the higher our “ranking” is on the website.
While we can post links when we answer our questions,they are 100% nofollow,thus making answering questions useless for linking purpose.However every questions we answer links to our profile where we can set our own homepage with a dofollow anchor text link.If we want to build one more link to our site,sign up at and then answer a question or two,so that our prifile page will get indexed quickly.
13)Link Building With Gather:Gather is a place where we can share the things that are important to us with tons of different people.Gather is an extremely popular site with over 700,000 pages indexed in google.It has an incredible amount of pagerank,authority,and crawls the site daily because it is filled with so much contents.Gather allows link builders to write up quick articles and plug a few backlinks in them. At the end of the day we can publish tons of articles on Gather and recieve hundreds of quality backlinks to our website to increase our search engine traffic over a long period of time.
14)Link Building With Yedda:It is another site that lets users ask questions about any topic they like and the other users of the site can answer the question and the best answer is voted by the community.
With a little planning,we can get automated emails for when a question is asked that relates to our keyword,and then we can answer the question and question and build links from it.For example I suscribed to the keyword 'online dating',and recieved an email with someone asking “how do I get a girlfriend”,through which I answered , “try joining a free online dating Service” and linked that to
15)Link Building With Blurtit:This site is basically the same as link building with Yedda
16)Dofollow Driver:It is a hand edited custom google search engine that allows us to search for a keyword we are trying to rank on,and it will find the related blog posts that we can leave a comment on for an anchor text related backlink to our site.The dofollow driver is a constantly updated list that purges blogs that are nolonger dofollow.If we are looking for some easy links that come from a related ninche to us,the dofollow driver is the place to go.
17)Link Building With website is almost same as squidoo where we can register and write about anything and earn a share of the advertising revenue.The advertising share is 50% to the writers,10% to the commentators,and 5% for the referrals.The remaining 35% goes to site owner.
For link building purpose,we can register,login,and write an article about whatever we want.To get the most out of our link building campaign with,we should include a bit content and some optimized titles and keywords
18)AmericanTowns:This site ont only help us build backlinks for any posts we might write,but it also has the potential of sending us targeted local traffic ,as well as the possibility of local offline exposure.
19)Link Building With Help:This site is much like Unasked and Yedda but the difference is that is a lot bigger and has ton of members that we can link from.Unlike the smaller question and answer sites, is gigantic and is now owned by is an authority website with a strong pagerank 6/10
20)Link Building With Naymiz:It is a free website that allow us to register a profile centered around our name and reputation.The site is like
To maximize the pagerank that our profile will get,fill in as much fluff as possible,such as uploading a random picture,a random resume and random social media profiles.
-visit,sign up,create a free profile,and add our blog under the “links”category.
21)Link Building With LookupPage:It is an online tool for managing our online presence(ranking in the search engines),and for tracking who is looking for us.Basically, we can sign up for a free profile account .On our profile page ,we can write an “about” type page,as well as anything we would put on a linkedln or Facebook profile.At the bottom ,we are allowed to add as many links as we want,and they are search engine friendly anchor text.
22)Link Building with eBay:The mammoth shopping site is one of the top 20 most popular website of all time.eBay has an area for their members to create their own Ebay blogs.The page has a very nice pagerank 6,and is linking to the most recent blog posts made by eBay members.
The process of leeching eBay's incredible authority and increasing the website traffic to our own website:
-Sign up for an eBay account if we do not already have one.
-Setup our blog with our anchor text as the name of the blog.
-Add a little description to our blog, but save the core description to our actual blog post.
-Add a new post with our anchor text again, but this time include a well written paragraph with a dofollow anchor text link to our site.Feel free to make the link even stronger by adding a bold/italic tag,adding a title tag,etc.
-Publish our blog.
-Check to make sure the PR6 recent page is linking to our new blog.
Now,not only does this powerful PR6 link get our blog/pages indexed quichly ,but it also assisted by the PR4-5 eBay pages of different countries.
23)Link Building with Expired Domains:A very powerful link building technique that a few people talk about is buying an existing website/domains and then redirecting to our own website.There is a thing called “301 redirect” which tells the search engine that our website has moved domains permenantly,and it forwards all of our rankings and backlings to the new domain.